To sail or not to sail? What kind of question is that! While others mull it over, you can be the first to find the pirate cache! Somewhere out there, at the bottom of a mysterious lake, lies the secrets of times long past: a crystal capable of giving youth, a cup which can give eternal life with a single sip, and a gold doubloon which brings luck to its bearer... All of this could be yours, if only you get to the island before anyone else! So onwards, summon your crew and set sail! Your journey promises to be risky, but they don't call you a courageous captain for nothing, right? Go ahead! Hoist the Jolly Roger! Fair winds to ye, sea dog!
- 6 new mystical islands and 6 new tests await you
- 120 original levels with over 10 hours of gameplay
- Logical gameplay with no need for guessing
- Play Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 2
- 120 original levels with over 10 hours of gameplay
- Logical gameplay with no need for guessing
- Play Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 2
Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 is a gorgeous dynamic game with fascinating music and high quality graphics. The fascinating plot and perfect design will enhance the stunningly gameplay of Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 and will pleasantly entertain all fans of this Brain Teaser / Card & Board / Puzzle.

Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 is shareware with free to play one hour trial period. Downloading Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 will take a few minutes if you have fast Cable/ADSL internet connection. Then you can install Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 and try it for free during one hour without spyware and/or advertise modules.If you will be enjoed by this exciting Brain Teaser / Card & Board / Puzzle Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 you can buy it for $2.99 and play full version without limits. Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 works with Windows 98/XP/Vista/7/8. Download exciting Fill and Cross Pirate Riddles 3 and try it for free!
System Requirements for PC:
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8; CPU: 1.0 GHz; RAM:512; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 52 Mb;
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8; CPU: 1.0 GHz; RAM:512; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 52 Mb;