Olivia has been living happily with her husband Daniel aboard Charon's mythical train of souls as they fight the evil souls who threaten the world. But it's been three days since Daniel went chasing after the thief who stole Charon's most powerful artifacts: the chronometers, watches that can stop time itself. Armed with the last chronometer, now only Olivia stands against this thief's ultimate power. Explore the small town of Farrington to find the thief and rescue Daniel. Uncover the thief's plans and master time to save the people of Farrington, before it's too late!
- Master the powers of time with the chronometer
- Includes a comprehensive strategy guide
- Exclusive soundtrack, wallpapers and achievements
- Find morphing objects and collectable butterflies
- Uncover the interdimensional mystery in the bonus game
- Includes a comprehensive strategy guide
- Exclusive soundtrack, wallpapers and achievements
- Find morphing objects and collectable butterflies
- Uncover the interdimensional mystery in the bonus game
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System Requirements for PC:
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8; CPU: 2.5 GHz; RAM:1024; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 1075 Mb;
System Requirements for Mac:
OS: 10.10/10.9/10.8/10.7; CPU: 2.5 GHz (INTEL ONLY); RAM:1024; Hard Drive: 1023 Mb;
OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8; CPU: 2.5 GHz; RAM:1024; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 1075 Mb;
System Requirements for Mac:
OS: 10.10/10.9/10.8/10.7; CPU: 2.5 GHz (INTEL ONLY); RAM:1024; Hard Drive: 1023 Mb;