You are dead. What happens next? Drinking and fighting, of course! As a reward for your brave deeds in Midgard (or, in the case of the Drunkard, his extreme alcohol tolerance), the gods have let you ascend to Brewhalla, where you get to do your favorite things for eternity: boozing and brawling. Have a brew, grab a weapon, and crush, kill, destroy, DRINK!
Set in a vivid, stylised, Norse afterlife, Bierzerkers Game is a multiplayer melee arena combat for all comers. While quick to pick up and get in some killing, the game has a great deal of depth, both individually and as a team.
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their sheep!
Set in a vivid, stylised, Norse afterlife, Bierzerkers Game is a multiplayer melee arena combat for all comers. While quick to pick up and get in some killing, the game has a great deal of depth, both individually and as a team.
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their sheep!
Action, Indie Bierzerkers Game is enthralling and not a run of the mill game. You will lose yourself in the fully realised gameworld of Bierzerkers. You will be glued to your computer from start to finish during you will playing this exciting game Bierzerkers.

Bierzerkers is captivating and fascinating game with obstacles, loads of bonuses and additional tasks. All fans of this genre will undoubtedly like Action, Indie game Bierzerkers as well as novice who just meet the world of computer games. Bierzerkers Game released 9 Jul, 2015 on Steam.